Alyssa Castillo YAP and Will Guzman will be presenting at the Tokyo-Oulu Joint Symposium on Human-AI Interaction (TOHAI) (24-25 October 2023)


On October 24-25, 2023, Alyssa Castillo YAP and Will Guzman, Graduate Student Members of the B’AI Global Forum, will be presenting at the Tokyo-Oulu Joint Symposium on Human-AI Interaction (TOHAI).

During this symposium, Castillo will explore the possibilities for incorporating queer phenomenology towards enhancing humans’ and AI’s role in providing support for marginalized people, particularly through “queered” speculative vignettes and “queered” analyses of real-life AI R&D and applications.

Meanwhile, Guzman will examine the relationship between AI and the human senses, with a specific focus on the food industry and e-nose technology to frame future research and understand possible limitations of AI.

For additional details and registration information, please visit the following link: