- 2022.Oct.19Drs. Yujin Yaguchi, Yuko Itatsu, and Ai Hisano of the B’AI Global Forum will participate in the Global University Summit for the Rome Call for AI Ethics which will be held on the campus of the University of Notre Dame (26 and 27 October 2022)
- 2022.Oct.17Notice regarding the October 17 event
- 2022.Oct.14A report and video recording of the 10th AI Center Symposium, in which Professor Yuko Itatsu of the B’AI Global Forum participated as a speaker, are now available
- 2022.Oct.01Prof. Yuko Itatsu of the B’AI Global Forum will present in the AY2022 Research Results Presentation organized by the Institute for AI and Beyond (13 October 2022)
- 2022.Sep.27We will hold the 6th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2022 “Who is Ema?: Examining Representations of Race and Gender through Virtual Bodies Generated by AI” (18 October 2022)
- 2022.Sep.21Prof. Yuko Itatsu of the B’AI Global Forum presented a talk at the Digital Media Research Center at the Queensland University of Technology
- 2022.Sep.15The B’AI Global Forum will hold a talk by Dr. Lulu Shi “The Future(s) of Unpaid Work: How Susceptible Do Experts from Different Backgrounds Think the Domestic Sphere Is to Automation?” (17 October 2022)
- 2022.Aug.31Dr. Atsuko Sano of the B’AI Global Forum will participate as a lecturer at the study group series for CSW67 on September 20, 2022
- 2022.Aug.30The B’AI Global Forum and ITASIA Program at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo will hold a talk by Dr. Justin Gest entitled “Majority Minority: How Do Societies Respond to Demographic Change?” (28 September 2022)
- 2022.Aug.30We invite applications for one position as “Project Assistant Professor” for the B’AI Global Forum
- 2022.Aug.30A video recording of the 5th Installment of Talk Series on “Inequity, Stereotypes, and Stigma in Leisure” is now available
- 2022.Aug.24We will hold the 5th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2022 “From the Visibility of Work to the Invisibility of Identity: Regarding the Transformation of Journalistic Activity in Japan in the Digital Age” (7 September 2022)
- 2022.Aug.19The Japanese version of “Tips for Reporting Sexual Violence” translated by Michiko Kawahara of the B’AI Global Forum was published on the Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma’s website
- 2022.Aug.05An interview with Professor Yuko Itatsu of the B’AI Global Forum was published in the electronic edition of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun
- 2022.Jul.15We will hold a lecture by Dr. Aynne Kokas “Trafficking Data: How China is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty”
- 2022.Jul.13Professor Yuko Itatsu of the B’AI Global Forum will be presenting at the 10th AI Center Symposium “The Relationship between Humans and AI as Considered from the Perspective of Civilization and Culture” on July 27, 2022
- 2022.Jul.12We will hold a talk “Against the ‘New Exploitation’ Caused by Technology: Issues on Virtual YouTuber and the ‘Objectification of the Body’”
- 2022.Jul.01We will hold the 4th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2022 “Stock and Flow of Cultural Resources to the Educational Field from the Perspective of ‘Relationship between Technology and Society’”
- 2022.Jun.17Professor Yuko Itatsu of the B’AI Global Forum gave a keynote speech at the inaugural event of “Osaka Seidanren”
- 2022.Jun.10We will hold the 3rd BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2022 “The Application of Social Science Research for Business”