Report on Lecture by Dr. Jiré Emine Gözen
“From “Data Made Flesh in the Mazes” to “A Vessel that Accepts Nature as It Is”: Media Environments as Infrastructures and Experimental Assemblages to Imagine and Re-imagining AI”
On March 19, 2024, the B’AI Global Forum held a lecture by Dr. Jiré Emine Gözen entitled “From “Data Made Flesh in the Mazes” to “A Vessel that Accepts Nature as It Is”: Media Environments as Infrastructures and Experimental Assemblages to Imagine and Re-imagining AI.”
Report on the 29th B’AI Book Club
Wayne Holmes and Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta eds. (2023) The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Practices, Challenges, and Debates
The 29th session of the B’AI Book Club took place on May 28, 2024. B’AI Research Assistant Priya Mu introduced the book "The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Practices, Challenges, and Debates" (2023) edited by Wayne Holmes and Kaśka Porayska-Pomsta.
Report on B’AI Women in Tech @ SoftBank –Headquarters Tour & Networking Event
On June 3, 2024, the B’AI Global Forum, in collaboration with SoftBank and Rikopeer, hosted the "B’AI Women in Tech @ SoftBank –Headquarters Tour & Networking Event" at SoftBank's Takeshiba Headquarters.
Report on Interactive Lecture by Dr. Paolo Granata “Playing with Marshall McLuhan’s ‘Laws of Media’”
On June 7, 2024, the B’AI Global Forum held an interactive lecture by Dr. Paolo Granata entitled “Playing with Marshall McLuhan’s 'Laws of Media'."
Report on B’AI Global Forum × CulturIA Collaborative Workshop: Cultural Imaginaries of AI: From technology to art
On May 13, 2024, a collaborative workshop titled "Cultural Imaginaries of AI: From Technology to Art" was held by the ANR (Agence nationale de la recherche) cultural history of AI project, CulturIA, and the B'AI Global Forum.
Report on the 28th B’AI Book Club:
Articles Exploring Creativity and AI though Artistic Use Cases of AI and Legal Discussion of Creative AI
The 28th meeting of the B’AI Book Club was held on March 26, 2024. Dr. Galina Shyndriayeva (Visiting Researcher, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo, and Researcher, Musashi University), reviewed articles related to issues surrounding creativity and AI.
Report on the 22nd B’AI Book Club
Susan L. Mizruchi eds. (2020) Libraries and Archives in the Digital Age. Switzerland: Springer Cham.
The 22nd session of the B’AI Book Club took place on September 26, 2023. B’AI Research Assistant Nozomi Ohtsuki introduced the book “Libraries and Archives in the Digital Age” (2020) edited by Susan L. Mizruchi.
Report on the 6th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2023
“asEars: Designing and Evaluating the User Experience of Wearable Assistive Devices for Single-Sided Deafness”
On March 18, 2024, the 6th BAIRAL research meeting for 2023 was held online. Ken Takaki, a PhD Student at the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo was invited to speak on the theme of “asEars: Designing and Evaluating the User Experience of Wearable Assistive Devices for Single-Sided Deafness.”
Report on the 3rd BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2023
“Understanding and Generating Humor by Computers: Toward Smooth Communication between Human and AI”
On July 31, 2023, the 3rd BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2023 took place online. Kohtaro Tanaka, a Master’s Student at Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at The University of Tokyo, was invited to speak on the theme of "Understanding and Generating Humor by Computers: Toward Smooth Communication between Human and AI."