Report on the 6th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2023
“asEars: Designing and Evaluating the User Experience of Wearable Assistive Devices for Single-Sided Deafness”
On March 18, 2024, the 6th BAIRAL research meeting for 2023 was held online. Ken Takaki, a PhD Student at the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo was invited to speak on the theme of “asEars: Designing and Evaluating the User Experience of Wearable Assistive Devices for Single-Sided Deafness.”
Report on the 3rd BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2023
“Understanding and Generating Humor by Computers: Toward Smooth Communication between Human and AI”
On July 31, 2023, the 3rd BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2023 took place online. Kohtaro Tanaka, a Master’s Student at Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at The University of Tokyo, was invited to speak on the theme of "Understanding and Generating Humor by Computers: Toward Smooth Communication between Human and AI."
Report on the 9th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2022
“Co-creation of Agency: Towards Ethical Design for Social Robots”
On February 3, 2023, the 9th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2022 took place online. Takuya Mizukami, a Postdoctoral Researcher at RIKEN AIP and a Visiting Researcher at The University of Tokyo III, was invited to speak on the theme of "Co-creation of Agency: Towards Ethical Design for Social Robots."
Report on Colloquium on Ethical Digital Archiving of LGBTQ+ Narratives
The B’AI Global Forum held the Colloquium on Ethical Digital Archiving of LGBTQ+ Narratives on February 11-12, 2024.
Report on the Trauma Reporting Study Group for 2023
The Trauma Reporting Study Group held a total of four sessions during the 2023 academic year, including book club meetings. In addition to the book club session on Trauma Reporting: A Journalist’s Guide to Covering Sensitive Stories by Jo Healey, we organized a debate related to the “Johnny Kitagawa’s sexual abuse scandal” and a study session featuring guest speaker Mameta Endo on "The Internet and Social Movements." We also hosted an online public lecture by Cait McMahon titled “Covering trauma: Building mental fitness for journalists.”
Report on the Participation in HISS (the Hunt-Simes Institute in Sexuality Studies) 2024
Drs. Yuko Itatsu and Kyoko Takeuchi from the B'AI Global Forum participated in HISS (the Hunt-Simes Institute in Sexuality Studies) 2024 held in Sydney from February 19 to March 1, 2024.
Report on the 27th B’AI Book Club (※Research Presentation)
“Exploratory analysis of perceptions of artificial intelligence among high school students living in Japan”
On February 27, 2024, the 27th session of the “B'AI Book Club” was held in a hybrid format, featuring two of the graduate student members, William Guzman and Alyssa Castillo Yap, presenting on their ongoing research regarding the perceptions of AI among high school students in Japan.
Report on Lecture by Dr. Cait McMahon
“Covering Trauma: Building Mental Fitness for Journalists”
On February 13, 2024, the Trauma Reporting Study Group welcomed Dr. Cait McMahon OAM, a psychologist from Australia and a leading expert on the intersection of trauma and journalism, to the University of Tokyo for a public lecture titled "Covering Trauma: Building Mental Fitness for Journalists."
Report on the 5th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2023
“Rethinking trust in AI: Imaginaries, Habits, Ecologies”
On January 18, 2024, the 5th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2023 took place. Dr. Andrew Lapworth (UNSW Canberra) delivered a presentation titled “Rethinking trust in AI: Imaginaries, Habits, Ecologies.”