Lecture by Dr. Cait McMahon
“Covering trauma: Building mental fitness for journalists”


The B’AI Global Forum will hold a talk by Dr. Cait McMahon, the founder of the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma-Asia Pacific, entitled “Covering trauma: Building mental fitness for journalists” on February 13th, 2024.
The details are as follows.


◇ Date & Venue

・Date: February 13, 2024 (Tue.), 2:00 pm ~4:00 pm (JST)

・Format: Zoom Webinar
_    (Archived videos will be available to registered participants until the end of March. )

・Language: English  (Japanese interpretation) & Japanese

・How to register:Please register below by 11 February (Sun).

※The Zoom URL will be sent the day before the event.


◇ Lecturers

Dr. Cait McMahon
(Founder of the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma-Asia Pacific; Independent Consultant for Cait McMahon Consulting)

Dr. Cait McMahon OAM is psychologist and world leader on the intersection of trauma and journalism. She currently works as an independent consultant for CMC (Cait McMahon Consulting) and was the founding Managing Director of the Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma-Asia Pacific (2003-2021) a project of Columbia University, Graduate School of Journalism. In that role she facilitated in-person training with media professionals across 28 nations, many of those in high natural disaster, conflict or post-conflict countries. She continues to consult to individuals and media organisations on trauma exposure and resilience.


◇ About the lecture

What should journalists know when listening to people involved in disasters such as earthquakes and torrential rains, war, conflict, incidents and accidents, or when interviewing victims of sexual violence, abuse, etc.? Australian psychologist Dr. Cait McMahon will lecture on these topics.

She is the founder of the Asia Pacific regional office (Melbourne) of the international organization Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma (headquartered at Columbia University, USA), which she managed until 2021. She began working as a staff counselor for The Age newspaper in Melbourne in the 1980s, and since then her interest in journalists and trauma (deep psychological trauma) issues led her to research, giving lectures and trainings in various countries. In 2016, she was awarded the Order of Australia (OAM) for her contributions in this field.

Journalists who face trauma in their reporting of tragedies and other events are themselves affected. Her research with Australian journalists has shown that not only are they affected mentally and physically, but also existentially, by questioning the meaning of their work, and that there is not only posttraumatic stress, but also posttraumatic growth. All those involved in news reporting, training and health care in media organizations, and interested professionals are welcome to attend.


◇ Organizer

Study group on Trauma Reporting, B’AI Global Forum, Institute for AI and Beyond, The University of Tokyo


◇ Inquiry

Kyoko Takeuchi (Project Assistant Professor of the B’AI Global Forum)
kyoko.takeuchi[a] change [at] to @)