The 2nd GENEE Symposium titled “Social Challenges Brought by Generative AI: Data Bias, Fake News, and Shaken Legal Systems,” which is co-hosted by the B’AI Global Forum, will be held (3 August 2023)


The 2nd GENEE Symposium titled “Social Challenges Brought by Generative AI: Data Bias, Fake News, and Shaken Legal Systems” will be held on August 3, 2023. This event is hosted by Generative AI and Educational Environment Research Project (GENEE) of the Collaborative Research Organization of Educational Technology at the University of Tokyo and co-hosted by the B’AI Global Forum.
From the B’AI Global Forum, Profs. Kaori Hayashi, Tohko Tanaka, and Yuko Itatsu will be speaking.

For further details, please see here.

*This event will be held in Japanese.