- 2021.Oct.26Our office “BAIROOM” is now ready!
- 2021.Oct.22We will hold the 5th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2021
- 2021.Oct.06The essay collection “Artificial Intelligence and Society” has been published
- 2021.Sep.27A report on the lecture by Phebe Vayanos has been published
- 2021.Sep.20We will hold the 4th BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2021
- 2021.Sep.15A report on the lecture by Ivana Bartoletti has been published
- 2021.Sep.10A report on the lecture by Dr. Ana Beduschi has been published
- 2021.Sep.10A video recording of the lecture by Ivana Bartoletti is on YouTube now
- 2021.Sep.10A video recording of the lecture by Dr. Ana Beduschi is on YouTube now
- 2021.Aug.12We will hold a lecture by Dr. Phebe Vayanos “Towards Robust, Interpretable, and Fair Social and Public Health Interventions”
- 2021.Aug.02We will hold a lecture by Ivana Bartoletti “Power, Politics, & AI: Building a Better Future”
- 2021.Jul.26We will hold a lecture by Dr. Ana Beduschi “Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies at the Border”
- 2021.Jun.25BAIRAL is featured on the website of the University of Tokyo III/GSII
- 2021.Jun.18A video recording of the online seminar “AI and Society: New Media Literacy and Politics” is available now
- 2021.Jun.18We will hold the 3rd BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2021 “Crowdsourcing GIS and Diversity”
- 2021.Jun.03We will hold a talk “Idols and the Structure of Oppression:Norms and Distortions in Leisure Spaces”
- 2021.Jun.01B’AI Global Forum was featured in the 2021 annual report of the University of Tokyo III/GSII
- 2021.Jun.01A video recording of the lecture by Dr. Ai Hisano is on YouTube
- 2021.May.20Online Seminar “AI and Society: New Media Literacy and Politics”
- 2021.May.20We will hold the 2nd BAIRAL Research Meeting for 2021 “Ethical Issues in the Use of AI”