Drs. Richard Carter-White and Maartje Roelofsen講演会
「Embodiment, Deferral and (Dis)inhibition: Learning and Teaching Geography with VR」開催のご案内

B’AIグローバル・フォーラムでは、マッコーリー大学(豪州)のDr. Richard Carter-Whiteとカタルーニャ・オベルタ大学(スペイン)のDr. Maartje Roelofsenをお招きし、アウシュビッツ・ビルケナウ州立博物館でのVRを用いた教育研修の効果についてご講演いただきます。ご関心のある方はぜひご参加ください。




Drs. Richard Carter-White and Maartje Roelofsen講演会

「Embodiment, Deferral and (Dis)inhibition: Learning and Teaching Geography with VR」


Dr. Richard Carter-White

(マッコーリー大学 Human Geography at the School of Social Sciences, Senior Lecturer)

Dr. Maartje Roelofsen

(カタルーニャ・オベルタ大学 経済学・経営学部 ポストドクトラルリサーチャー)


Virtual reality (VR) is increasingly claimed to hold significant potential for pedagogical applications in University education. We draw on the burgeoning field of digital geography to critically examine this claim, with reference to results from a two-year research-teaching project based on a postgraduate VR field trip to the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum. We found that VR technology may work as a (dis)inhibitor, providing users with a sense of social and temporal freedom to explore sites but in combination with a new set of spatial and perceptual constraints. Importantly, we found that learning with and through VR technology required active bodily adaptations, raising questions of embodied capacities and their inequalities. We conclude that, in this context, VR works most effectively if conceived not as a journey into a self-contained virtual realm, but instead as a spatial ‘prompt’ designed to provoke new questions for students already on the path to developing geographical understandings and imaginations of specific sites.




Dr. Richard Carter-White(マッコーリー大学 Human Geography at the School of Social Sciences, Senior Lecturer)

Dr. Richard Carter-White is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at the School of Social Sciences, Macquarie University. His research sits at the intersection of cultural and political geography, and provides a geographical perspective on structures, spaces, representations and experiences of violence (both political and environmental). He is currently engaged in projects investigating the spatialities of the concentration and refugee camp, post-disaster communities and landscapes in Japan, and the implications of digital technology for sites of difficult heritage.

Dr. Maartje Roelofsen (カタルーニャ・オベルタ大学 経済学・経営学部 ポストドクトラルリサーチャー)

Dr. Maartje Roelofsen holds a PhD in Sustainable Urban and Regional Development from the University of Graz in Austria. Her research has examined digital transformations within the realm of tourism, urban space, and geography education. Her current research project investigates how users of short-term rental platforms encounter and respond to digital modes of governance. She also explores the organisation and transformation of domestic work through digital platforms within the hospitality and tourism sector. More recently, she has made contributions to debates in geography and education on the use of digital technologies in learning and teaching. She is an Associate Editor of the journal Tourism Geographies and has recently published a monograph on Hospitality, Home and Life in the Platform Economies of Tourism with Palgrave Macmillan.










東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構 本郷拠点(本郷キャンパス附属病院内)









・主催:東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構B’AIグローバル・フォーラム

・後援:東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構


